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 CUSTER died for our sins...All on G.A.Custer

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thomas sackett
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Messages : 2042
Date d'inscription : 26/12/2011
Age : 60
Localisation : Robin Springs

CUSTER died for our sins...All on G.A.Custer  - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: CUSTER died for our sins...All on G.A.Custer    CUSTER died for our sins...All on G.A.Custer  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeLun 19 Mar - 16:28

CUSTER died for our sins...All on G.A.Custer  - Page 2 48f5_110

CUSTER died for our sins...All on G.A.Custer  - Page 2 Willan10
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Law in Abilene
Law in Abilene

Messages : 1957
Date d'inscription : 20/11/2011
Localisation : Sous mon chapeau.

CUSTER died for our sins...All on G.A.Custer  - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: CUSTER died for our sins...All on G.A.Custer    CUSTER died for our sins...All on G.A.Custer  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMar 20 Mar - 17:41

CUSTER died for our sins...All on G.A.Custer  - Page 2 AmbrotypeLg

A gauche: George Armstrong Custer Ambrotype - Rare Early Image

This previously unknown photo of Custer was taken in 1857 or 1858, making it the earliest known portrait of Custer in a West Point uniform. Also appearing in the photo is an unknown cadet in the middle and Hugh Judson Kilpatrick on the right. This portrait has been carefully researched. Digital face recognition or the electronic overlaying of known Custer photographs on this particular image indicated similar eye, nose and chin structure to support the research.

CUSTER died for our sins...All on G.A.Custer  - Page 2 Custer-bowen-jones
Photograph George Custer and Friends

This picture of General Custer was taken on the Peninsula, in Virginia. Custer is pictured on the left, with a large colt revolver in his right hand, and with his sword between his legs. Also pictured is Nicolas Bowen, shown standing in the middle. William Jones is seated on the right. The picture was made by James Gibson.

CUSTER died for our sins...All on G.A.Custer  - Page 2 Custer-prisoner
Photograph George Custer and Captured Rebel Prisoner

This picture was made near Fair Oaks, Virginia. Lt. James B. Washington, a Confederate prisoner, is shown with George A. Custer (a Captain at the time) of the 5th Cavalry, U.S.A. The picture was made by James Gibson.

CUSTER died for our sins...All on G.A.Custer  - Page 2 Custer-portrait-550
Portrait of George Custer as Commander of the 7th

This is a great formal portrait of General Custer. He is pictured as Commander of the 7th Cavalry.

CUSTER died for our sins...All on G.A.Custer  - Page 2 Custer-family-cook
Photograph George Custer with Wife and Cook

This picture of General Custer was taken with his Wife and Cook. His Wife was Named Libbie, and his cook was Eliza.
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Messages : 2042
Date d'inscription : 26/12/2011
Age : 60
Localisation : Robin Springs

CUSTER died for our sins...All on G.A.Custer  - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: CUSTER died for our sins...All on G.A.Custer    CUSTER died for our sins...All on G.A.Custer  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMar 20 Mar - 18:51

CUSTER died for our sins...All on G.A.Custer  - Page 2 Gac0110

George Armstrong Custer arrived at West Point in June, 1857 with 107 other cadet candidates. After entrance examinations weeded out over a third of them, Custer marched in the gates with 67 other cadets; all accredited to a six month probationary period starting July 1st.

Reverting back to his younger school days, his grades in classes were far from exceptional, unless you deem barely passing as exceptional. Again, it wasn't that Armstrong wasn't smart enough to learn and complete the courses, he simply lacked the drive to discipline himself intellectually to achieve higher grades. As he wrote later in life, he admitted that Philosophy class interested him the least.

He easily made many friends at the academy and excelled in socialization. As with many other men from northern states, he developed many solid relationships with cadets from western and southern states. His favorite roommate was "Tex" Rosser from Texas, whom he would one day face on the battlefield. Custer acquired a few more nicknames while at West Point; "Cinnamon", owing to the cinnamon scented oils he used on his hair which he wore longer than most; "Curly", again because of his naturally but gently twisting locks; and "Fanny", which to this day has not been solidly documented.

Custer's near-downfall and the legacy in which he set down for history, was in his attitude and deportment. The academy had a system of discipline that awarded cadets demerits, or 'skins' for infractions of the rules. During any six-month term, one-hundred demerits would result in the expulsion of the cadet. Custer regularly piled up ninety to ninety-five demerits each semester. When he reached ninety or more, he would then apply himself and accumulate no more until a new semester started. His demerits were never for anything significant in relation to his studies, but in seemingly trivial offenses:

Sept 29, 1857 - Trifling in ranks marching from parade - 3 demerits
Dec 19th, 1857 - Calling "Corporal" in a loud & boisterous voice - 3 demerits
April 3, 1858 - Hair out of uniform at guard meeting - 2 demerits
Jan 27, 1859 - Late to supper - 1 demerit
Feb 17, 1859 - Throwing snowballs on barrack steps - 3 demerits

Sitting in the window wearing shirtsleeves with no coat; swinging arms while marching, making noises at the sink; the list is long but nowhere is there any reference to what could be considered a serious offense. One begins to see his emerging personality. He drank some in these years, but research suggests he drank no more than any other cadet. In any case, by his last term, Custer stilled exhibited no signs he had become more disciplined. In his last semester, he ran up ninety-seven demerits; a record for him.

Custer graduated with his class in 1861. He ranked 34th in his class of 34 graduates; dead last. While awaiting assignment orders, Custer was in charge of the guard when a fight erupted between two underclassmen. Regarding it as a soldiers fight, Custer did not interfere. Brought up on charges, Custer found himself facing a court-martial before he could get outside the walls of the academy. He was found responsible to the charges but due to the war breaking out the previous spring, the Army needed every loyal officer it could get in the field.

Autie traveled to Washington and was brought before General-In-Chief Winfield Scott. Custer was given a choice of 2 asignments; assisting the drilling of new recruits into the Army, or his original designation of 2ndLt in the Second Cavalry. Being eager for the fray, Custer set out to locate the Second Cavalry.

CUSTER died for our sins...All on G.A.Custer  - Page 2 Custer13
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Le dégoupilleur

Messages : 462
Date d'inscription : 16/12/2011
Age : 53

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MessageSujet: Re: CUSTER died for our sins...All on G.A.Custer    CUSTER died for our sins...All on G.A.Custer  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMar 20 Mar - 19:00

CUSTER died for our sins...All on G.A.Custer  - Page 2 Custer27

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thomas sackett
Le ferrailleur
thomas sackett

Messages : 157
Date d'inscription : 27/11/2011
Age : 64
Localisation : le saloon a Langtry

CUSTER died for our sins...All on G.A.Custer  - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: CUSTER died for our sins...All on G.A.Custer    CUSTER died for our sins...All on G.A.Custer  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMar 20 Mar - 19:04

CUSTER died for our sins...All on G.A.Custer  - Page 2 U046610

Cabinet Card of George Armstrong Custer and the Grand Duke Alexis
CUSTER died for our sins...All on G.A.Custer  - Page 2 Cabine13
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Messages : 2042
Date d'inscription : 26/12/2011
Age : 60
Localisation : Robin Springs

CUSTER died for our sins...All on G.A.Custer  - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: CUSTER died for our sins...All on G.A.Custer    CUSTER died for our sins...All on G.A.Custer  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeJeu 22 Mar - 8:34

Berny a écrit:

CUSTER died for our sins...All on G.A.Custer  - Page 2 Custer27

Tiens tiens...........ça me rappel quelque chose...! Wink
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Messages : 2042
Date d'inscription : 26/12/2011
Age : 60
Localisation : Robin Springs

CUSTER died for our sins...All on G.A.Custer  - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: CUSTER died for our sins...All on G.A.Custer    CUSTER died for our sins...All on G.A.Custer  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeJeu 22 Mar - 8:36

CUSTER died for our sins...All on G.A.Custer  - Page 2 Fed810
Lieutenant George A. Custer reclining with a dog and fellow staff officers during the Peninsula Campaign. He graduated last in his West Point class of 1861. However, he was a very capable cavalry commander and rose quickly through the ranks to become Major General.
May 20, 1862.
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Le dégoupilleur

Messages : 462
Date d'inscription : 16/12/2011
Age : 53

CUSTER died for our sins...All on G.A.Custer  - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: CUSTER died for our sins...All on G.A.Custer    CUSTER died for our sins...All on G.A.Custer  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeLun 26 Mar - 8:25

CUSTER died for our sins...All on G.A.Custer  - Page 2 Custer28

Custer and Elizabeth at ease in their tent home in Ellis County,Kansas,1869

CUSTER died for our sins...All on G.A.Custer  - Page 2 Huntin12

Hunting and camping party of Custer(standing in center) and invited guest.
on the Little Heart River,Dakota territory,1875

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Messages : 2042
Date d'inscription : 26/12/2011
Age : 60
Localisation : Robin Springs

CUSTER died for our sins...All on G.A.Custer  - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: CUSTER died for our sins...All on G.A.Custer    CUSTER died for our sins...All on G.A.Custer  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeDim 1 Avr - 15:13

George A. Custer, less frequently encountered 1876 portrait of Custer in civilian dress by photographer Joseph M. Mora with gold “707 Broadway, NY” . This would be Custer's last formal sitting for a photograph. Image inscribed twice, front and back, with penciled “Custer.”
CUSTER died for our sins...All on G.A.Custer  - Page 2 U159110

George Armstrong Custer's Indian Wars Camp Chair
CUSTER died for our sins...All on G.A.Custer  - Page 2 P565410

CUSTER died for our sins...All on G.A.Custer  - Page 2 Camp10
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Le dégoupilleur

Messages : 462
Date d'inscription : 16/12/2011
Age : 53

CUSTER died for our sins...All on G.A.Custer  - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: CUSTER died for our sins...All on G.A.Custer    CUSTER died for our sins...All on G.A.Custer  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeLun 2 Avr - 15:18

CUSTER died for our sins...All on G.A.Custer  - Page 2 Custer29

CUSTER died for our sins...All on G.A.Custer  - Page 2 Custer30

Custer and Elizabeth in their home at Fort Lincoln,1875

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Messages : 2042
Date d'inscription : 26/12/2011
Age : 60
Localisation : Robin Springs

CUSTER died for our sins...All on G.A.Custer  - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: CUSTER died for our sins...All on G.A.Custer    CUSTER died for our sins...All on G.A.Custer  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMar 3 Avr - 16:38

Cigars Box Label
CUSTER died for our sins...All on G.A.Custer  - Page 2 Jj671110
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Messages : 2042
Date d'inscription : 26/12/2011
Age : 60
Localisation : Robin Springs

CUSTER died for our sins...All on G.A.Custer  - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: CUSTER died for our sins...All on G.A.Custer    CUSTER died for our sins...All on G.A.Custer  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMar 3 Avr - 16:46

Le petit frère et ces médailles
CUSTER died for our sins...All on G.A.Custer  - Page 2 Tom_cu10

Dernière édition par LLOYD le Lun 25 Juin - 15:57, édité 1 fois
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Le dégoupilleur

Messages : 462
Date d'inscription : 16/12/2011
Age : 53

CUSTER died for our sins...All on G.A.Custer  - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: CUSTER died for our sins...All on G.A.Custer    CUSTER died for our sins...All on G.A.Custer  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMar 3 Avr - 18:26

CUSTER died for our sins...All on G.A.Custer  - Page 2 Tomcus10

Tom Custer

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Le dégoupilleur

Messages : 462
Date d'inscription : 16/12/2011
Age : 53

CUSTER died for our sins...All on G.A.Custer  - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: CUSTER died for our sins...All on G.A.Custer    CUSTER died for our sins...All on G.A.Custer  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMer 18 Avr - 16:16

CUSTER died for our sins...All on G.A.Custer  - Page 2 7th_ca12

7th cavalry officers at fort Dodge,Kansas,1868
Custer is seated in the center with broad brimmed hat

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Law in Abilene
Law in Abilene

Messages : 1957
Date d'inscription : 20/11/2011
Localisation : Sous mon chapeau.

CUSTER died for our sins...All on G.A.Custer  - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: CUSTER died for our sins...All on G.A.Custer    CUSTER died for our sins...All on G.A.Custer  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeVen 18 Mai - 18:22

George Armstrong Custer: His Personal Calvary Saddle

CUSTER died for our sins...All on G.A.Custer  - Page 2 Lf10

CUSTER died for our sins...All on G.A.Custer  - Page 2 Lf11

CUSTER died for our sins...All on G.A.Custer  - Page 2 Lf12
George Armstrong Custer: His Personal Calvary Saddle from the Indian Wars Period, with Terrific Provenance. Custer was never known as one to conform to regulations, whether it was his buckskin jackets, his pearl-handled Webley revolvers, or his saddles. Once he began operating in the Western theater, he came to realize that features of the "Western" saddle, such as a saddle horn and leather covered stirrups, were popular for good reason. Accordingly, he had the saddler modify the McClellan saddle which had been in use by American cavalrymen since before the Civil War, to his personal specifications. This example comes with impeccable provenance: it was obtained by legendary collector Lawrence Frost from the Custer family in 1941. A notarized confirming affidavit from Col. Charles A. Custer, Armstrong's grand-nephew, accompanies this lot. The saddle was also published in one of the best known reference books on Custer and the 7th Cavalry, Bugles, Banners and War Bonnets, by Ernest L. Reedstrom (p. 234). A copy of this classic volume is included with this lot.

CUSTER died for our sins...All on G.A.Custer  - Page 2 Lf13
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Messages : 2042
Date d'inscription : 26/12/2011
Age : 60
Localisation : Robin Springs

CUSTER died for our sins...All on G.A.Custer  - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: CUSTER died for our sins...All on G.A.Custer    CUSTER died for our sins...All on G.A.Custer  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSam 19 Mai - 8:54

Belle selle vieux style.
Il s'agit d'une selle type Hope, très populaire auprès des officiers de la C.W. et I.W.,( aussi un des premiers modèles de selle utilisée par les cowboys) et non d'une modification de l'arçon McClellan , comme présumé dans le texte!
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Messages : 2042
Date d'inscription : 26/12/2011
Age : 60
Localisation : Robin Springs

CUSTER died for our sins...All on G.A.Custer  - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: CUSTER died for our sins...All on G.A.Custer    CUSTER died for our sins...All on G.A.Custer  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSam 19 Mai - 9:34

Dernière édition par LLOYD le Sam 19 Mai - 9:55, édité 1 fois
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Messages : 2042
Date d'inscription : 26/12/2011
Age : 60
Localisation : Robin Springs

CUSTER died for our sins...All on G.A.Custer  - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: CUSTER died for our sins...All on G.A.Custer    CUSTER died for our sins...All on G.A.Custer  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSam 19 Mai - 9:53

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Le dégoupilleur

Messages : 462
Date d'inscription : 16/12/2011
Age : 53

CUSTER died for our sins...All on G.A.Custer  - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: CUSTER died for our sins...All on G.A.Custer    CUSTER died for our sins...All on G.A.Custer  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeLun 28 Mai - 16:47

Capt.Myles Keogh,7th cavalry

CUSTER died for our sins...All on G.A.Custer  - Page 2 Capt_m10

CUSTER died for our sins...All on G.A.Custer  - Page 2 Capt_m11

CUSTER died for our sins...All on G.A.Custer  - Page 2 Keogh_10

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Le dégoupilleur

Messages : 462
Date d'inscription : 16/12/2011
Age : 53

CUSTER died for our sins...All on G.A.Custer  - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: CUSTER died for our sins...All on G.A.Custer    CUSTER died for our sins...All on G.A.Custer  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeVen 1 Juin - 16:47

2000 ans d'histoire,la bataille de Little Big Horn.

Invité:David Cornut,auteur de LBH autopsie d'une bataille légendaire.

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Messages : 2042
Date d'inscription : 26/12/2011
Age : 60
Localisation : Robin Springs

CUSTER died for our sins...All on G.A.Custer  - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: CUSTER died for our sins...All on G.A.Custer    CUSTER died for our sins...All on G.A.Custer  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSam 23 Juin - 15:35

CUSTER died for our sins...All on G.A.Custer  - Page 2 Yy453610

CUSTER died for our sins...All on G.A.Custer  - Page 2 Yy451510

CUSTER died for our sins...All on G.A.Custer  - Page 2 Yy349110
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Messages : 2042
Date d'inscription : 26/12/2011
Age : 60
Localisation : Robin Springs

CUSTER died for our sins...All on G.A.Custer  - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: CUSTER died for our sins...All on G.A.Custer    CUSTER died for our sins...All on G.A.Custer  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSam 30 Juin - 17:13

CUSTER died for our sins...All on G.A.Custer  - Page 2 01604411

CUSTER died for our sins...All on G.A.Custer  - Page 2 Custre10

CUSTER died for our sins...All on G.A.Custer  - Page 2 Custre11
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Messages : 2042
Date d'inscription : 26/12/2011
Age : 60
Localisation : Robin Springs

CUSTER died for our sins...All on G.A.Custer  - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: CUSTER died for our sins...All on G.A.Custer    CUSTER died for our sins...All on G.A.Custer  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMar 3 Juil - 9:40

CUSTER died for our sins...All on G.A.Custer  - Page 2 Zz210
Custer Remembers the River Raisin
This photo depicts George Armstrong Custer, his father Emmanuel and eighteen veterans of the War of 1812. It was taken on June 15, 1871.

Back row (left to right): John Beshear (age 80), John Claper (age 76), General Custer, Francis Lazarre (age 82), Jean De Chovin (age 77)

Middle row (left to right): George Younglove (age 77), John Boroff (age 100), David Van Pelt (age 89), Lewis Jacobs (age 96), Charles Haven (age 76), Henry Mason (age 79), Thomas Welphy (age 73), Joseph Guyer (age 88)

Front row (left to right): Peter Navarre (age 80), James Nadeau (age 77), Emanuel Custer (father of George Armstrong), Robert Navarre (age 80), Joseph Forlke (age 80), Bronson French (age 82)
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Messages : 2042
Date d'inscription : 26/12/2011
Age : 60
Localisation : Robin Springs

CUSTER died for our sins...All on G.A.Custer  - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: CUSTER died for our sins...All on G.A.Custer    CUSTER died for our sins...All on G.A.Custer  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMar 3 Juil - 9:51

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Le dégoupilleur

Messages : 462
Date d'inscription : 16/12/2011
Age : 53

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MessageSujet: Re: CUSTER died for our sins...All on G.A.Custer    CUSTER died for our sins...All on G.A.Custer  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMar 3 Juil - 22:39

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Contenu sponsorisé

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CUSTER died for our sins...All on G.A.Custer
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