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 Colt, le poulain éffréné...

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Law in Abilene
Law in Abilene

Messages : 1957
Date d'inscription : 20/11/2011
Localisation : Sous mon chapeau.

Colt, le poulain éffréné... Empty
MessageSujet: Colt, le poulain éffréné...   Colt, le poulain éffréné... Icon_minitimeJeu 22 Mar - 20:21

L'évolution du logo Colt...

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The Rampant Colt maquette

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maker's mark

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The dome on the Colt armory complex in Hartford, Connecticut, capped with the rampant colt sculpture

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Samuel Colt’s porcelain tureen made circa 1855

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The Colt coat of arms circa 1835

The Rampant Colt maquette

Circa 1855;
Maker: G. Allge
Donated by Greg and Petra Martin

The trademark for Colt’s Patent Fire Arms Manufacturing Company, a horse with a broken spear standing on its hind legs with its forelegs in the air, is one of the most respected and recognizable corporate symbols in American history. It was officially licensed with the United States Patent Office in 1890, but it was first used by Samuel Colt circa the early 1830s in the form of an escutcheon with four horse (colt) heads on a few prototype arms. The Rampant Colt image subsequently appeared on a variety of objects, ranging from firearms to fine china. This sculpted pattern is one of the only large representations of the Rampant Colt that survives from Colt’s lifetime. It appears to have been commissioned as a model or maquette for a much larger Rampant Colt that stood atop the dome on the main factory building at the Colt armory in Hartford, Connecticut.
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